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Random Items Wrapped; Equipment Wrap

Vinyl Wrap Toronto Random Items Collage - Equipment and Object Vinyl Wrap Cost

Get your equipment wrapped with customized vinyl wrap graphics

Are you looking to wrap an item, that could almost be anything? We here at Vinyl Wrap Toronto have wrapped a few weird or interesting items over the years. Here are a few of the random Equipment Wrap we’ve done.
Big Rock Brewery is a neighbour of Vinyl Wrap Toronto and wanted to brand their beer kegs. What a great way to ensure everyone knows what beer they are getting served.
Thinking of adding decals to your laptop or transponder? Why be happy with the standard colour or finish? We can add any design to your laptop and the vinyl also added another layer of protection. When you are ready for a change, just remove the vinyl and apply the new one.
Need to update the goalie mask? Want your mask to reflect you better, add your team logo, and or mascot onto your uniform. Click here to view Equipment Wraps.

Are you bored of your white appliances or would you like to improve your BBQ station? This electric blue makes them both stand out from the norm.
Here are a few of the other wraps we here at Vinyl Wrap Toronto have been asked to do:
In the comments section, tell us what random items you would like to see wrapped?
Vinyl Wrap Toronto can use the same logo that we apply to the vehicles to brand any item you wish. Whether it is with vinyl or printed, we can brand anything with your company logo.
If you would like to find out more equipment wraps, Click Here. Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Instagram, Heart us on Twitter and add a Comment on Pinterest.

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Standard 3M or Avery Manufactured Colour Change


Custom Printed Colours & Patterns


Custom Printed Designs


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