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Honda Civic 2010 – 3M Vinyl Wrap – Gloss Black Rose

Honda Civic 2010 - Full Vinyl Wrap - After Front Side - Full Wrap - Avery and 3M vinyl

Honda Civic 2010 – Gloss Black Rose – Full Vinyl Wrap

When it comes to the battle between time and material things such as cars, it goes without saying, that time always wins. The car you bought a few years ago has lost that fresh new car look. The effects of time can be seen from the fading of the colour to minor scratches, etc.

When you’re in a situation where your vehicle is clearly starting to show its age, there are a couple of things you can do such as, sell it and get a new one, have it painted trying to revive its original look or like what our customer did in this case, get it fully wrapped in an eye-catching colour. All options involve time and money. The choice depends on a few details, like does it still run, any major dents or scratches and rust. 

Vinyl Wrap Toronto recently added a Honda Civic 2010 to its portfolio of full car wraps. This client was looking to resurrect his Honda Civic which had been around the block for a long time and was clearly showing its life experience. The client contacted our team explaining what he was looking to accomplish.

Originally, he wanted to go for a black-coloured wrap for his Honda Civic 2010, but after talking to our team of installers and going through some swatches, he had a change of heart and decided to go for the Gloss Black Rose. The difference between standard gloss black and gloss black rose is clear from the photos included. The customer did not want to just be another Honda Civic on the road, he wanted to make a statement. 

Our team took in the car and our installers worked their magic using the premium quality material offered by 3M’s 1080 Series. “Gloss Black Rose” is not that common of a colour that people go for when they get their cars wrapped, but since this client wanted that colour for his Honda Civic 2010, we sourced it from Calgary and got the job done. The final product came out looking flawless. It’s like a brand-new car, at least from the outside. We’ve attached some pictures of the wrapped Honda Civic 2010 on this page for you to see how a full wrap can change your car’s look entirely.

The client could’ve gone with other ways to get the colour changed, but he chose to go with a full vinyl wrap. 

Benefits of Vehicle Wraps over Paint Jobs

  1. Vinyl Wrap Materials come in a huge variety of colours and finishes, thus giving you more options to consider.
  2. Vinyl Wraps last for years and require minimum maintenance.
  3. A full wrap protects your car against the sun and other environmental factors that decay the car over time.
  4. Unlike paint jobs, you don’t have to get rid of the original colour to get a vinyl wrap; You’ll still have the original colour intact when you decide to take off the vinyl wrap.
  5. Wraps are cost-effective considering their lifetime and durability.

These are just a few; there are a lot more reasons why vinyl wraps are considered the first choice when thinking of changing the colour and look of a vehicle.

If you have a vehicle that could use a fresh new look, feel free to give us a call at 416-746-1381 or visit our garage located at 24 Ronson Dr, Unit 1, Etobicoke, ON, M9W1B4 to speak to one of our experts about any questions or concerns you may have.

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For more wraps like the Honda Civic 2010, please visit our blog page, here. Check out more car wraps here

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