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Dodge Caravan & Mercedes Commercial Van Decals

IJ Contracting Inc - Dodge Caravan - Van Decals & Lettering - - Avery Dennison - Best Vehicle Wrap in Toronto - Best Car Wrap Shop on GTA

Dodge Caravans & Mercedes Sprinter Fleet Van Decals

In a world full of countless businesses trying to compete with each other it becomes a challenge to come up with ways to effectively spread awareness about your business. In order for it to work, you need to figure out a way to do it in a way that will make people want to check out your services or products. This is what advertising companies have been trying to achieve for years. 

The last thing you want to do is to pay for an online ad that either gets no traction or no return. Although the idea seems promising, it never works out as well as you think it will. Why? Ask yourself, when was the last time you were happy to see an ad interrupt your favourite tv show or article? Exactly! Every day people see countless ads online which interrupt their web surfing experience. So, adding to that and aggressively making people look at your ad will do you more harm than benefit. 

Want to know what is a great and effortless way to promote your business without forcing people to look at your ad? Vehicle Decals. Turn your vehicle into a billboard on wheels. Our recent client knew about this brilliant way to boost his business recognition which is why he didn’t think twice before getting vehicle decals for his whole fleet.

The client owns a business called “I & J Contracting Inc”. His fleet included three Dodge Caravans and one Mercedes Sprinter. He wanted to keep it minimal because while you’re on the road no one is really like “Hmm wait let me stop here in the middle of the road to read all that text written on that vehicle”. Promotional van decals or lettering are supposed to be short and to the point.

Tips for getting promotional van lettering & decals:

  • Keep it short and catchy.
  • Make the lettering large enough to be read easily.
  • Use easy-to-read fonts.
  • Provide contact details such as phone, email, or website.
  • The sides and back are optimal spots for getting van decals or lettering.

We’ve attached pictures of the Dodge Caravans and Mercedes Sprinter on this page for you to see what the outcome is.

Are you looking to effectively promote your business? Give us a call at 416-746-1381 or visit our garage located at 24 Ronson Dr, Unit 1, Etobicoke, ON, M9W1B4 to speak to one of our experts about your requirements or to ask any questions you may have about vehicle wrap pricing and the process.

To see more pictures of van lettering & decals among other vehicles, visit our blog page. Check out more van decals here

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